Has been registered for Angel Tree Christmas in prior years.
Currently has an incarcerated parent or stepparent. (Must be able to provided the name of the facility where he or she is incarcerated.
Currently live in a household with an Angel Tree child, or child of an incarcerated parent, who is attending camp
Angel Tree Camping
Working Together
Angel Tree Camping is partnering with Camp New Journey to provide a chance for your children to have fun with friends, meet caring adult cabin leaders, and experience the love of Christ in the great outdoors.
Camp can be one of the most life-changing experiences that children of incarcerated parents can have. Through Angel Tree Camping, children of prisoners go to Christian summer camps, where they have the opportunity to have fun, fellowship with their peers, build relationships with caring camp counselors, and experience the love of God.

Angel Tree Camping is providing scholarships so that your child(ren) can attend a camp at little to no cost. Camp New Journey together with Angel Tree Camping is looking forward to giving your children an unforgettable time at camp!